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Episcopal Church

Chili Fest

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In its maiden year, premiering at the Old Saybrook Chili Fest 2023, Grace Church had a very busy venture on its hands, with lines of customers arriving at our booth, unabated, all day.  

Our heartfelt mission: Getting out in our community & "following God's call to feed the hungry in both body and spirit."  

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In the spirit of our mission Grace Church provided more than just "Fred's Righteous Chili," which was very delicious & well-received.  We also spread a table of Christian materials & information, including free Bibles & children's materials such as coloring books.

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Besides our customers, many members of our Grace Church family could be found in the area: volunteering at the booth, stopping to sample our awesome chili or browsing along Main Street.  

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The head-chef serves up some Righteous Chili. 

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Each booth had to make 16 gallons of chili.

Ours ran out at 2:45
(just 15 minutes before the ending!)

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Please be sure to thank all our volunteers, especially  Fred & Karen Kmietek,
for the wonderful contributions they made to our successful landmark event!

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