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Episcopal Church

Youth Outreach

"No one lights a lamp and then puts it under a basket. Instead, a lamp is placed on a stand, where it gives light to everyone in the house." - Matthew 5:15 NLT

We're all about encouraging our youth to have wholesome fun, recreation and joy. And we have a broader vision too, which includes bringing our youth out into the community, along with Christian youth from other churches, to enjoy themselves, and to work together while refining their walk with the Lord.

Grace Church has long-term relationships with a variety of mission partners, and over the years we've sometimes formed alliances with temporary mission partners as well, to achieve short-term goals together.

These interim alliances have been, and continue to be, very valuable for the church, offering our children new activities ranging from music and the arts to field-trips, both locally and out-of-state, and occasionally overnight.  

Christian kids can be an unceasing source of support to each other, especially when hands are extended across multiple churches and venues, fostering solidarity.

Within our Youth Ministry and its outreach, a pattern of strong intergenerational relationships is naturally formed as well, benefiting those all across the spectrum of our church family.  

Our elders enjoy mingling with our kids, inside and outside of church, and a culture of service prevails as well as an atmosphere of recreation.

Adults and youth work together when possible, on events and fund-raisers.

Service opportunities abound for our youth in the greater community, such as an outing some of our teens took once, for Spring planting day at Seaside Park in Bridgeport, CT.

Besides service and the arts, recreational adventures are great too, especially when blended with worship.  Our teens have roamed in and out of state, together with some other teen Christian groups.  

A group of teens from local churches went with adult chaperones overnight to NYC to visit the Cathedral of Saint John the Divine

Teens got together for a woodsy weekend of local worship and fun,

at the nearby Incarnation Camp

Joining with pastors, families and youth from other congregations

strengthens everyone involved

"This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine. 

This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine,  

This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine,

Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine."  


- from This Little Light Of Mine Hymn

by Harry Dixon Loes

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